This device is called a GPS receiver, and while it is certainly a great GPS device is just one part of a large and complex system that allows us to measure our exact location on earth.
Three-letter acronym "GPS" is the Global Positioning System. This is a satellite navigation system has the ability to measure the exact position of an object on earth.U.
Global Positioning System is a comprehensive and complex can be divided into three segments: space, control and user. "Control" segment refers to various places on Earth to support and manage the system. The "Space" segment refers to the GPS satellite system that emits a signal which is used to identify the location. "User" refers to the GPS receiver segment - real element that we often mistakenly regarded as a system.
"Control" segment refers to the GPS ground station operated by the U. S.Department of Defense, which controls many aspects of the system. Specifically, these monitoring stations on the flight from GPS satellites, synchronizing atomic clocks onboard the satellites, and download data to be transmitted via satellite.
The "Space" segment of GPS is a constellation of 27 satellites orbiting 12,600 miles above Earth's surface.
Each GPS satellite used in the composition of weight between 3,000 and 4,000 pounds. All solar satellites, but all have backup batteries onboard without the use of solar energy (ie solar eclipse).
Signals from GPS satellites in low power radio signals. This signal contains three different sets of data - pseudorandom code, ephemeris data and almanac data - which is translated by the GPS receiver to obtain an accurate measure of location.Pseudo-random, said satellite receiver that emits a signal and ephemeris data provides information on satellite position. Meanwhile, the almanac contains satellite data such as status, date and time.
"User" refers to a segment of the GPS with the GPS receiver used for military or civilian. GPS receiver is basically an electronic device that transmits signals from the satellites and use of information from signals to understand its exact location. First, information needs to tell the location of at least three GPS satellites.
As you can see, GPS is not just a GPS receiver alone.
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